Here you will be able to read whats happening in the club
News 2025
Two new events are coming up 27 of March - World econimy and Porsche shares - and 2 april Wine tasting
POCA President Christmas letter 2024 Chirtmas Card 2024
News 2024
New dates for Club Dinner and rally in october
You can follow us at Facebook and POCA Group on WhatsUp
September first Dinner at Divot and the rally are on the website
September. The dates for POCA activities can be seen under Calender.
September. POCA Committee is starting up to plan the autumn activities. Send in your ideas.
POCA lunch at Shanti-Sum last activity before summer - see you in september
POCA Anniversary rally 15-16 of May
POCA Grand Prix GoKart 29 of May. See invitation. All invited
POCA Anniversary Dinner 31st of May. Contact Sally for more information.
New logo and crest presented
Anniversary work group planning for the party
News 2023
We are planing for the anniversary POCA 10 years. The committee consists of Sally, Ian, David, Mona and Ulla. The group has tested food in different restaurants and checked premises. Musik is booked. But there is more to plan so they keep on working.
The date is set to the 31st of May 2024.
You can follow us on Facebook, where you can read of a lot of other Porsche information.
We have passed over 150.000 views on this web site
News 2021
Memories June 2020
News 2020
After several months of lockdown we are starting our event again. We usually do not have any activities during the summer, but this year we miss each other so we are going to have dinners and rallies all summer.
All dates set for 2020
Follow us on Facebook
NEWS 2019
Clement Eijffinger new treasurer
Our 5 year anniversary Dinner will be held for members the 5th of June
Invitations and roadbooks will be sent out to members.
NEWS 2018
NEW POCA badge for your car included in membership.
See dates for 2018 in calendar
NEWS 2017
POCA Polo shirt 45 euro. Send an email and order.
Advice for those participating in a rally - See Calendrar for 2017
Look also at Facebook
NEWS 2016
November 26 POCA Rally and Christmas Dinner
November 16 Club Dinner at Kaskada
November 12 Charity run together with Rotary Club Guadalmina
October 22 POCA Rally
October 18 Club Dinner at Kaskada, see pictures at Photos
October 1-2 Weepora in Granada
September 24 POCA Rally Roadbook
July 31 Charity rally
June Rally to Cortijo Salinas June 25-26 Roadbook No 1 and No 2
Club Dinner June 22 at restaurant Macaao in Guadalmina Beach 19.30
Classic Car interested at Nueva Kaskada breakfirst May 5
Porsche Marbella at La Sala 22-24 April
April Rally - The Hill Climbe !
We need to book hotel room NOW for the June activity. Preliminary programme
March - three activities, see calendar
Newsletter nr 8 January 2016
POCA Dinner Invitation at Small World Cafe January 20
NEWS 2015
Newsletter December 2015
Newsletter November 2015
November 18th - POCA Dinner at Nueva Kaskada
November rally 21st of November - See program - Bring a Porsche owner friend
October rally 24th of October - see program - meeting point BRING A PORSCHE OWNER FRIEND
Newsletter for September - click here
Calender for autumn 2015 - see Calender/Calendario
Newsletter July 2015 - click here
Dear Porsche Friends,
Please note that our next Rally is on Sunday 19th April The route will take us from our meeting point, The Venta Los Almendros, situated just a few Kms out of San Pedro on the Carretera de Ronda, to lunch at the restaurant Granada Divino in Gaucin. The 100 + Klm Journey will pass through some wonderful Andalucian countryside and Villages. In Gaucin we will have the opportunity to visit Gaucin Castle.
I have attached the lunch menu and again I think you will see that we have managed to aquire a great deal at only €25 per head including wine and water, and €12.50 for children under 14 years.
If you would like to come on this Rally would you kindly let me know as soon as possible so that I can notify the restaurant of numbers attending and menu choice.
I am pleased to announce that we are continuing to attract new members, some have indicated that they are coming along
to our next Rally which will be a nice opportunity to greet new Porsche friends.
Don't forget to please let me know soonest.
Thank you.
Queridos Amigos, Porsche
Tenga en cuenta que nuestro próximo Rally es el domingo 19 de abril, la ruta nos llevará desde nuestro punto de encuentro, La Venta Los Almendros, situado a pocos Kms de San Pedro en la Carretera de Ronda, a almorzar en el restaurante de Granada Divino en Gaucín . El 100 + Klm viaje se realizará a través de alguna maravillosa campiña andaluza y Aldeas. En Gaucín tendremos la oportunidad de visitar el Castillo de Gaucín.
He adjuntado el menú del almuerzo y de nuevo creo que verán que hemos logrado adquirir una gran cantidad de tan sólo 25 € por cabeza incluyendo el vino y el agua, y € 12.50 para niños menores de 14 años.
Si a usted le gustaría venir en este Rally usted me dejaron amablemente saber tan pronto como sea posible para que pueda notificar el restaurante del número de participantes y de menú a elegir.
Me complace anunciar que seguimos para atraer a nuevos miembros, algunos han señalado que están llegando a lo largo
para nuestro próximo Rally que será una buena oportunidad para saludar a los nuevos amigos de Porsche.
No te olvides que por favor hágamelo saber lo antes posible.
El Presidente
Visit to Ascari raceway on 8th May - Contact our president Gary for more information
Greetings Porsche friends,
As expected yesterday's Rally to Gaucin had to be postponed due to the terrible weather conditions in Gaucin. The Rally will now take place on Sunday 19th April. The bad weather on Saturday however,did not deter a few of us getting together for a congenial lunch at Nueva Kaskada Restaurant,where Ewald provided us with a wonderful variety of food at short notice, organised by Sally, our Secretary. Photographs of our lunch can be seen on our website. During lunch it was suggested by the members present, that the Club hold a regular monthly Club dinner night. It was agreed by all that this would be a good idea. The restaurant of choice is Nueva Kaskada, mainly because of it's central location, but also because they treat the club with friendliness and professionalism, not discounting the quality and variety of their menu. We will hold our first Club Dinner night on Wednesday 13 May, thereafter every 2nd Wednesday in the month (except August). I hope that many of you will see this as a wonderful opportunity for members to get together in a social and friendly ambience and that you will come along to support your club. Sally has skillfully negotiated a regular price of €30 to include wine and coffee. Phenomenal value.
Saludos Porsche amigos,
Como el Rally de ayer espera que Gaucín tuvo que ser pospuesta debido a las terribles condiciones meteorológicas en Gaucín. El Rally ahora se llevará a cabo el domingo 19 de abril. El mal tiempo el sábado, sin embargo, no impidió que algunos de nosotros reunirse para un almuerzo agradable en Nueva Kaskada restaurante, donde Ewald nos proporcionó una maravillosa variedad de alimentos en un corto plazo, organizado por Sally, nuestro Secretario. Las fotografías de nuestro almuerzo se pueden ver en nuestro sitio web. Durante el almuerzo se sugirió por los miembros presentes, que el club mantenga una regularidad mensual cena club nocturno. Se acordó por todo lo que esta sería una buena idea. El restaurante de elección es la Nueva Kaskada, principalmente debido a su ubicación céntrica, sino también porque tratan el club con amabilidad y profesionalidad, no actualizar la calidad y variedad de su menú. Vamos a celebrar nuestro primer Club Cena la noche del miércoles 13 de mayo a partir de entonces cada segundo miércoles de cada mes (excepto en agosto). Espero que muchos de ustedes verán esto como una gran oportunidad para que los miembros se reúnen en un ambiente social y amable y que va a venir a apoyar a su club..
POCA Anniversary in SUR Deutsch
POCA Anniversary in Euroweeklynews
Pressrelease Anniversary Rally and dinner
Dear Porsche Friends,
Just to let you know that our POCA Anniversary Rally and lunch yesterday was a resounding success. We had 13 cars and 25 members attending. It was particularly pleasing to greet new members to our club. A description of the days events and photographs can be seen shortly on the website. My thanks to all those members who attended,for your contribution to making our first Anniversary a very special occasion.
I shall inform you of our next month's rally when i have finalised the details.
Happy Porsche motoring.
Queridos Amigos de Porsche,
sólo para hacerle saber que nuestro POCA Aniversario Rally y almuerzo de ayer fue un éxito rotundo. Tuvimos 13 coches y 25 miembros presentes. Era particularmente agradable para saludar a los nuevos miembros de nuestro club. Una descripción de los acontecimientos de los días y las fotografías se puede ver en breve en la página web. Mi agradecimiento a todos los miembros que asistieron, por su contribución a hacer nuestro primer aniversario una ocasión muy especial. Os informaré de manifestación de nuestro próximo mes cuando he finalizado los detalles.
Automovilismo Porsche feliz.
Newsletter: 3 Feb Anniversary Rally
Newsletter: 2015 Rallye from Sotogrande to San Pablo
NEWS 2014
Christmas Greetings Porsche friends.
First let me say thank you to all those members and guests who came along to the POCA Christmas dinner at Tikitano Restaurant on Friday evening. We all had a great time. Photographs of the evening taken by our illustrious photographer Peter can, as usual, be seen on our website.
The next Rally will take place on Saturday 24th January. Organised by Marc Hoydonckx, we are certain to have a wonderful Porsche day out. The February Rally on Sunday 22nd will celebrate our first POCA Anniversary, therefore, I would ask all members to make an effort to support this event.
It just remains for me to thank all those members for their support throughout our first year, and to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous 2012.
Gary Compson
Porsche Owners Club Andalucia. P.O.C.A
Saludos de Navidad Porsche amigos.
En primer lugar quiero dar las gracias a todos los miembros e invitados que acudieron junto a la cena de Navidad en POCA Tikitano restaurante el viernes por la noche. Todos nos lo pasamos muy bien. Las fotografías de la noche tomada por nuestro ilustre fotógrafo Peter pueden, como siempre, pueden ver en nuestra página web.
El Rally próximo se llevará a cabo el sábado 24 de enero. Organizado por Marc Hoydonckx, estamos seguros de tener un día maravilloso Porsche cabo. El Rally de febrero el domingo 22 se celebrará el primer aniversario de la LPL, por lo tanto, yo pediría a todos los miembros a hacer un esfuerzo para apoyar este evento.
Sólo me queda agradecer a todos los miembros por su apoyo durante nuestro primer año, y deseo a todos una muy Feliz Navidad y un saludable y próspero 2012.
Gary Compson
Fundador / Presidente
Porsche Club de Propietarios de Andalucía. P.O.C.A
Swedish Porsche magazine "Porsche owners" - article
Christmas Dinner on Friday the 19th of December
Our CHRISTMAS DINNER is on friday the 19th of December at 8pm at the magnificent seaside restaurant TIKITANO, which will include a 3 course dinner for €35 per person including live music. Again please let me know if you can come and the number of your guests.
Nuestra cena de Navidad es el viernes 22 de Decembr a las 8 pm en el magnífico restaurante junto al mar TikiTano, que incluirá una cena de 3 platos por 35 € por persona, incluyendo música en vivo. Una vez más por favor, hágamelo saber si usted puede venir y el número de sus invitados.
Next Rallye on the 22nd of November - see calender
Newsletter - the Tarifa trip
Our day out to Tarifa was blessed by wonderful November weather. Once again the restaurant I had chosen to start our day WAS WELL AND TRULY CLOSED!! Fortunately our members rallied round and decided a nearby venue to be a good alternative !!! After welcoming our newest club members Adrian Day and Simon Ellison, and our honoured guest of the day, Jose Miguel from Porsche Banus, we headed off Eastwards to Tarifa, making a pit stop at Venta Jose Mari situated on the road out of Algeciras. We then proceeded towards Tarifa with another brief pit stop to experience one of the finest views in the world/ The Straits of Gibraltar towards Africa. We were warmly welcomed at the Dos Mares Hotel by Hotel Manager Javier and his team, and spent the afternoon enjoying a sumptuous lunch in the chiringuito overlooking the majestic beaches of Tarifa. After lunch many of us enjoyed walking and kite flying on the beach. This was one of our most successful outings so far, and we look forward to our next club adventure on Saturday 22nd November, organised by our treasured Treasurer Gerry Denn and his lovely wife Kirsty. look forward to seeing you there! photographs of the day can be viewed in the gallery section of our website.
Photos - see Photos/Fotos
A trip to Tarifa, see calender, the 1st of November - moved
The Tarifa rally on the 25th October is now put back a week to Saturday 1st November. This is because many members are not available for the 25th October. Menus remain the same. I would be grateful if those wanting to join us on the 1st November rally to please let me know so that I can inform the Dos Mares hotel of approximate numbers. I hope many of you can come along on this fun Rally. The next rally after Tarifa will be on the 22nd November kindly organised by Gerry Denn. Another day for your diaries is Friday the 19th December. We are organising a Christmas dinner with live music at the popular beachside Tikitano restaurant. At only €35 per person I hope many of you will be able to attend.
Have a fun and safe Porsche October.
Guadalmina-Estepona meeting Sunday 21st of September - see Calender
Newsletter No 7 26th of May 2014
Antequera meeting the 24th of May
Newsletter No 6 - Meeting 23rd of May / Evento de Mayo de 23
Porsche Days Murcia 20-22 of June
Photos from POCA meeting 19th of April - see Photos/Fotos - and links new links to Facebook
Newsletter No 5 19th of April / 19 de Abril 2014
Newsletter No 4 25th of March / 25 de Marzo 2014
Newsletter No 3 20th of March 2014 / 20 de Marzo
Newsletter No 2 16th of March 2014 / 16 de Marzo
Invitation to The inaugural Rally 15th of March / 15 de Marzo